Ascension Healing

“In order to save myself I must destroy first the me I was told to be.”

~ The Dreamer ~

Do you long for more meaning and fulfillment in your life? Do you feel that despite the money and success which you have attained, something still feels as if it is missing? Do you yearn for more love, happiness and connection, and to establish your true purpose? Are you truly embracing your full potential, expressing your truth and aligning with what’s right and meaningful for you? Or do you instead find yourself meaninglessly following the crowd and going along with what others want, and dictate is best? Sacrificing your power and autonomy, in order to fit in with others, please and keep the peace?

These are all very meaningful questions to ask, yet you will find that many tend to avoid thinking about these things, as it challenges them to truly look at and face themselves, which most people fear and are reluctant to do. Opting instead to stagnate into a “comfortable”, unconscious way of being, which does not challenge the status quo, going with the conventional flow, until faced with unexpected changes, mid-life crisis’ or unforeseen circumstances, which force them to reassess and reconsider what they once believed was true. Questions about how they’ve been living, assessment of their true desires and what’s truly meaningful for them, start to arise. If you are lucky enough to truly contemplate these questions, before life chooses for you, you will come to realise, not only the beauty of fulfilling your true potential as a unique individual, but also your inherent innate power, to not only manifest your dream, but also co-create your reality and life.

Whilst ascension may seem like a New Age spiritual concept, the actual fact of the matter, is that it is essentially the nature of what is energetically occurring on our planet at this current moment in time, as well as what our soul came here to do. Many people are waking up to this fact and are intuitively being called through an inner yearning, an unhappiness within their current state of being, and with a deep longing to be fulfilled internally within themselves, instead of merely through materialistic and superficial ways of being, which has largely governed the way in which our society and culture has operated thus far.

Spiritual growth is not about religion, following particular practices or spiritual teachers. It is about discovering who you truly are as a unique individual, discovering what you want out of life, what makes you happy, and the values which are inherently true for you. It is only when we are truly able to ask ourselves these questions, commit to healing from within, and align with what enables us to embrace these goals and aspirations, that we will truly be able to not only manifest what we see and experience in our external reality, but ultimately regain ownership of who we are, and what we create within our lives and the world.

Within an ascension healing session we will initially discuss the reasons which brought you to seek this form of healing, as well as any intentions and future goals which you would like to work with and manifest. The session will consist of a combination of light body integration, alignment assessment, shadow and inner child work, energy healing, spiritual healing, dream analysis, psychotherapeutic reflection, and integration.

Please note that this form of therapeutic healing requires on-going sessions, in order for progress to be fully integrated and achieved. The number of sessions required can be assessed as the work progresses, and a combination of the techniques mentioned above, can be used, as and when deemed relevant and necessary, depending upon the needs of the individual.

If you wish to contact me to book an ascension healing session or further discuss your individual needs, please feel free to contact me on 07943 909 408 or email me at