Multi-Dimensional Healing

“The first step in reawakening our multidimensional nature implies the retrieval of our capacity to navigate through time, which means becoming aware that all experiences we have had in life continue to exist somewhere even if they are not apparently happening in our ordinary perception of time.”

~ Franco Santoro ~

Multi-dimensional healing utilises deep meditation which will guide you through your own personal journey in order for you to access healing from the deepest layers of your being. The healing session will explore your presenting issue and will be tailored to meet your own personal individual needs, focusing your healing where it is most needed.

I will work with my benevolent spiritual and multi-dimensional team, as well as with other higher frequencies and universal forces in order to address your healing request, which will work on clearing your issue wherever it resides within your energetic, auric, etheric and multi-dimensional fields, across all dimensions of space and time. What this essentially means is that if your issue resides within your ancestral linage or any past life incarnations which you may have had and are carrying forward into this life, it will also be fully cleared from those timelines too. This in effect will elevate your vibration and frequency so that you can experience your best life yet!

Multi-dimensional healing can produce quite profound effects as it utilises high vibrational frequencies which penetrate at the deepest layers of our being and spirit. Once we release old structures, karmic patterns, contracts, programs, trauma, and negative energies which have been stored deep within our DNA structure and cellular memory, we essentially free up more space within our energy field, which enables us to anchor in more light (or higher frequencies) into our being. This expansion enables us to become aware of the vast nature of ourselves as multi-dimensional beings, instead of just limited to the third dimensional existence of our physicality. This shedding of the old subsequently creates rapid transformation, healing, expanded consciousness, personal and spiritual growth, a more expansive experience of your reality and life, as well as accelerated change to assist you with your ascension process.

Multi-dimensional healing will not only help you to heal and resolve issues which you have been carrying lifetime after lifetime, but will also assist you to realign with your multi-dimensional nature and true soul’s purpose, helping you to find your way back on to the right path.

To book a multidimensional healing session or further discuss your individual needs, please feel free to contact me on 07943 909 408 or email me at